I Think I Stopped A Daily Frustration

Ended a frustration today, I think. Every time I went onto Foxnews or CNN a video would pop up and drive me batty. On Fox, the video would be full-volume and jump me every time I click on an article. I was so frustrated that I decided to stop going to Fox altogether, but first I did some research. Here's what I found:

I use Chrome, so I don't know if it would work on other browsers.

If you don't have Adblock Plus, get it and install it. But that's for other popups. Fox somehow circumvented Adblock Plus. What I found is that you can stop autoplay by clicking on the icon just to the left of the URL in the address bar, just left of https....
Then click on SOUND, and click MUTE.

1. Click icon at left of URL just before https....
2. Click on sound.
3. Click MUTE

I'm not sure, but you might need to do this for any other site that shocks you with video popups even though you have Adblock. I'm willing to do that. It's SO rewarding to me to find a way to stop Fox News especially because I go there so often - in fact this was my last try - I was going to stop going to Fox altogether, my nerves just couldn't take it, but just before doing that, I found this and so far, it's working.

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