Well I guess it's official? They're taking down all my posts on Facebook. Today alone I've received over 100 notifications of posts they're taking down. One odd thing about it is that many are notifications on the same posts. I think they've told me 20 times that they're taking down my daily video post. So something is weird on their end.
This has been going on for several days now. Of course I've taken it all to the Lord, and - well -- what would we do without the Lord? I take things to him and I get peace inside. He knows. He sees.
So basically I'm waiting on him for further direction. It occurred to me that maybe I should look into a web site, so I went to one I had looked at awhile back and the site is down. So I guess that's a "no." Or at least a "not now." The way I left it in my prayer time this morning was "I'm waiting on you, Lord."
I guess this is a good time to update my blogs. I have two, one at Wordpress and one at Blogger. I like the Blogger one much better, but Wordpress has its place too. Anyway, the way to promote your blog is to ....... you know .....feature it on Facebook.

Yep, I'm laughing. Better to laugh than to cry I guess.
Anyway, I've got to go figure a way to post my 3 posts every day, whether to post them here or create another place to feature them. I might need to sleep on it first, my brain is pretty much mush right now.

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