The clock in my livingroom stopped. Bought some new batteries. They didn't start the clock. Found out that the whole box of batteries were dead. Couldn't return them - had thrown out the box they were in and the receipt. Bought some new batteries, same size but a different make. They worked. So glad I didn't have to throw out my favorite clock.
Two days later, the clock in my bedroom stopped!
A light bulb burned out in my livingroom.
A few days later another light bulb burned out.
Then microwave died. Had to buy another one.
Then ...the battery in my phone died ...had to buy another one.
The receptacle in a lamp broke - without my even touching it. Couldn't be fixed, had to throw the whole lamp out.
The faux leather of my chair has totally worn loose and there's pieces all over the floor and even into the bathroom.
My matching chair broke in the center underneath. Couldn't be set right-side up.
My daughter came over and changed two burned-out kitchen lightbulbs that were higher than I could reach.
One burned out two days ago.
The other burned out yesterday.
My favorite imaging program, Paintshop Pro got corrupted. Thankfully I was able to find the disc and restore it, but my blood pressure must have hit 1,000 as I saw it disappear.
I got up this morning and found the fluorescent light over my sink died.
Yesterday I got gout.
Today the gout is worse.
My friend Lori just had her kitchen floor replaced. The next day they found water had seeped down into the cellar creating mold. On further inspection, her WHOLE KITCHEN had mold behind the walls, her whole kitchen is now totally gutted out, including the new floor, and her refrigerator is in the living room for the next several weeks! Plus - her whole family room downstairs had to be completely gutted out.
If Satan knows the Rapture is at hand, isn't this something we could expect in the days before?
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