Anyone remember Jade Helm?

Amazes me how the world can do something right out in the open knowing that in a couple years people will forget all about it.

For months during 2014 and 2015 we saw endless lines of trains and flatbed trucks transporting armaments across the country. Huge, I mean huge, convoys of military jeeps and tanks, huge convoys of UN vehicles trailing for miles and miles and miles. Where were all these going? And why? We were told various things, none of which made any sense whatsoever. If it were a temporary exercise, did anyone see them convoyed back to where they came from?


People make fun of "conspiracy theorists," and sometimes they do take it too far - but when you see something like that take place for weeks, months, like nothing you'd ever seen before - does it make sense to just forget about it when it seems to be over? Well ...that's what they're counting on - that the public has forgotten about it by now.

Some of us haven't. Some of us understand that we witnessed a never-before-seen stage of preparation for "something," and that those things were never returned - meaning those military and UN armaments are still sitting there, wherever they took them. And the public has forgotten about them.

Does this have anything to do with the man-made sickness that has been unleashed upon the whole world now?

We can only wait and see. But I just want to put a bug in your bonnet - reminding you to step back and take a sober look at this thing. What is the bigger picture?

The "New World Order."

The New World Order people gave it their best shot, trying to get Trump taken down, because he's the great cog in their wheel. How long did we suffer through a bogus impeachment program that eventually failed? It was beyond disgusting, and they made absolute fools out of themselves.

So. The impeachment effort failed. And now this. Immediately afterward. An illness that is quarantining the world. One US state has already mentioned the loaded word "martial law." California. Look it up. But is that raising any eyebrows? Or - have we become the frog in the pot.

You have to ask: WHY?

Well let's look at why.

"Agenda 21" was planned to bring in the New World Order over this year and next year. They were counting on - and sure of - Hillary being elected into the White House. That failure was an absolute shock to them, because till then their plans had evolved toward the goal without restraint - mainly because people didn't "get it." Folks, they planned for the global New World Order to be in the process of rolling out this year.

If you don't know what the plans of the New World Order are for mankind, read the Georgia Guidestones. It's written there. They intend to reduce the world's population from 7 billion, to 500 MILLION. How are they going to do that? They have several ways, but a man-caused worldwide pandemic would easily advance that program. I believe this current "pandemic" is a trial run. It's not killing that many people. But it's showing the puppets behind the New World Order what the effect of a pandemic CAN achieve for them.

What is standing in the way?

Donald Trump.

He is not a globalist, he is an American patriot. They can't have that. Hence ...the major effort to impeach him.

Failing that - a pandemic.

The greatest threat Trump posed was his campaign rallies in several states. The New World Order people were aghast as they saw the multitudes try to crowd into every venue where Trump was speaking - crowds so huge that they couldn't get everyone in. People would gather HOURS before the doors were opened, to be sure to get in. I don't know that we've ever, EVER seen such huge gatherings of American patriots and such applause for a patriot leader as what we witnessed as the multitudes upon multitudes flocked around this man who has brought sanity to our land. You can just imagine that the New World Order people were enraged as they witnessed this, and from their rage they've gone crazy with creating situations to stop this man.

Most Christian believers know that it is God who placed this businessman in the White House. The odds were so stacked against them that the New World Order people just laughed at him. But when it happened - volcanoes erupted in their souls - hatred beyond the imagining and plots and plans to stop this thing. So far, they haven't been able to stop it, none of their malicious hate-filled efforts have succeeded. They have NO IDEA that it is GOD they're plotting against.

Will Trump have a second term? It all depends on one thing: whether or not he's completed his assignment. If he has, the Lord will step aside. Satan's hour is at hand. If he hasn't, then no power on earth or in hell can stop Trump from being reelected.

Prophecy watchers are all wondering where we are on the prophecy timeline. We'll have a better idea as we watch things unfold. If God has Trump in office for another term, we may be here for awhile. If not...

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