I Didn't Get It At First

I have been immensely frustrated with Facebook, as they have taken down 7 of my posts this week saying they went against their "community standards." I've been very upset about this.  Every day I pray about posting, asking for guidance. Why was God allowing this?

I came across a Scripture a couple days ago which just jumped off the page to me - any believer reading this will know how that happens when God is speaking. I didn't connect the dots at first, but after praying this morning I am beginning to realize that God is doing this purposefully. The Scripture is this:

"Commit your works to the Lord,
and your THOUGHTS will be established."
Proverbs 16:3

At first, when the Lord first directed my attention so powerfully to that Scripture, I rejoiced because it's a new promise I can stand on. It had never occurred to me to pray that God would establish my THOUGHTS. What I didn't realize...

Just as Facebook started coming against me this week, the Lord was speaking this passage to me and this morning when I went to him about Facebook coming against me, as I sat there before him the light went on and  I finally connected the dots. I finally understand what he's conveying to me. And it's this:

I'd left my first love.

I had to go back to the beginning. Why am I on Facebook at all?

One morning in my prayer time years ago, I had told the Lord that I had used everything, every program, every single thing he had provided to me, I had used them in my blogs for his glory. He said to me, "You haven't used Facebook."

I was absolutely shocked. I had a very low impression of what Facebook was back then. I had taken a look at it way back, and decided it wasn't for me. Seemed nothing but foolishness to me. But now THE LORD is telling me to use FACEBOOK???? It took me awhile to recover from the shock.

So, and this was a few years ago, I went onto Facebook and began to post on it the links to my blogs. After awhile I realized how powerful a venue it is, because that's where the people are. So I began posting daily. A devotional, an article, and a video, all Christ-centered.

But as time went on, I began posting other things too. And that grew and grew until I was posting tons of posts from others who posted on the government, the evils in society, etc. I was taking on a "watchman on the wall" mentality, informing people of serious things going on in the world. In short, without realizing it I was on my way to losing my first love.

So then the Lord brings this Scripture to me before I had any idea that it had any importance concerning what I do daily online. As the Lord was rhema-fying this Scripture to me, Facebook was opposing me, taking down my posts. I was so upset that I became discouraged and depression set in.

Until this morning. I went to the Lord about what Facebook was doing to me and I asked him why he was allowing it - because I had been praying for protection on my posts. As I sat before him, it was like a light went on. The scales fell from my eyes. Understanding came.

I am NOT a "watchman on the walls," many are but I am not. I'm called to glorify Jesus Christ and shine the light on him. And now that I see that, I realize how far I strayed from my calling. Amazing. I pray for guidance daily, but I didn't recognize the guidance until he opened my eyes.

I may post other things, humor, recipes, sharing, but I'm no longer going to post on what's happening in the world. I am NOT of this world, and my calling is NOT to post on the world and its evils. Many ARE called to that. I am not. I'm returning to my first love. It's all about him, and my works will center on him. May the Lord Jesus Christ once again be glorified in what I put out there, and may people be drawn to HIM as I work in the calling with which I am called.

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