This Virus - My Take On It

I may make some enemies with this post, but it's just my two-cents worth.

You have to understand the agenda behind this. Election day is drawing near and the democrats have not been able to stop president Trump in spite of all their wicked shenanigans. One thing that is most successful in Trump's election-year campaign is the tremendous rallies he's been holding in so many states. The thousands gather, even more than what the venues can hold. It's been a tremendous success as America sees how this president is loved.

But as much as he is obviously loved by so many, Trump is hated by the left. They've gone into panic mode upon seeing the multitudes upon multitudes gathering to hear him speak. They have to do something to stop this. They HAVE to.

I'm not saying that the Corona virus isn't real, nor that it isn't dangerous. It's real. It's dangerous. But it's also man-made part for the reasons stated above. Trump has stopped the previously-unhindered advance of globalism. That's one of the main reasons they have to stop him.

When you consider the tremendous impact this virus is having on the world, the airlines could go out of business, hotels are closing, schools are closing, all venues that draw people are closing - the damage is inestimable - think AGENDA. We've had some pretty terrific viruses in recent years - think MERS, SARS, H5N1 Bird Flu, the regular yearly influenza, and many more - and ask why the world didn't shut down when these deadly viruses appeared. Each of them was a powerful and often deadly disease which took over the lives of many, many people. But none of them shut the country down, did they? Ask WHY. Think AGENDA.

In my opinion, we should all have gone out and exposed ourselves to it so that we'd get it and get over it. Yes, some would die, but most would get over it. Some died with the other diseases mentioned above. Is it right to shut down the country? To allow the tremendous damage being done to worldwide services, shutting down some companies who can't afford the losses? One could say yes it's worth it - IF - it would have been worth it when those other viruses appeared.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did an excellent job of calling out what we ALL should be seeing. I hope these shreds of evidence of desires to murder us awaken AMERICANS to fight back. It looks like Trump is going along with these premeditated murders. He is just one man against a world of murderers who want to steal our monies anyway possible.